Character Full Name:Caden Xander Grey. (Prefers to be called Xander)
Character Parents:
Father: Ivan Grey
Mother: Skye (nee: Blakemon) Grey.
Parental Background:Ivan and Skye were school mates at Hogwarts they became school sweethearts in their 7th year a couple years after graduating they married.
Character History:Xander is the youngest of four children and is the only one left attending Hogwarts.His older sister Lana is his favorite sibling although she is quiet a talented witch after graduating Lana took a job at a Muggle Zoo in the states. Xander finds her job quiet fascinating even though he dreams of working with magical creatures when he is older. His brothers (Twins) Jacob and Cash growing up Xander seemed to always catch the short end with his brothers which toughened him up enough to look after himself he doesn’t exactly go looking for trouble but he can take care of himself if he needs to he has a bit of a mischievous streak. Xander prefers the school term over summer break because with the three of his siblings grown and moved out he finds summers a bit boring with out them.
Character Personality: Shy until he gets to know people, makes a loyal friend, can be a bit Mischievous at times
Random Information: Xander’s eyes are two different colors even though its not real noticeable if your far away if your close you’ll notice that his left eye is a blue-ish grey while his right eye is a soft grey- ish color
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